Monday, March 24, 2008

SXSW - Fri. 03/13/08 - 3rd Day

So, it's finally Friday, and our offices are closed. This means I slept until about noon, then headed over to the Levi's/FADER Fort. This is one of the many "unofficial" showcases at SXSW. There are tons of these all over town during the day. The only way to get in is to RSVP for them, but most of them are pretty easy to RSVP to: you just go to the SXSW page on their site and give them your name and email address. This one boasts free Stella Artois and Southern Comfort! Yes!

Fri. 1:45pm: I got to the Levi's/FADER Fort a bit early because I wanted to make sure I was early enough to see the Lemonheads. However, I got here early enough to see what would turn in to one of my favorite bands at SXSW, and a band I had never heard of before. That would be Denmark's The Fashion. They can best be described as, I don't know, a dance-rock band fronted by a guy who kind of looks like a cross between Jack Osbourne and Pete Doherty? Anyways, their live show is awesome, so please check them out!
The Fasion at the Levi's/FADER Fort

Fri. 2:30pm: The band I came to see, The Lemonheads, cancel before even fully setting up. The reason? Lead singer Evan Dando "lost his voice." I suspect he just had too much fun at the Playboy party the night before, but time proves me wrong, as they end up canceling the rest of their sets as well. On the plus side, I recognize their drummer. Of course, I can't think of his name, but he used to play in a great little band from Indianapolis called The Pieces.

Time for a break for some lunch, and then it's off to a meeting for work at 4. Don't worry too much, I think each of us at the meeting had 3 or 4 beers, so it's all good! The bad thing about the meeting? I missed Dizzee Rascal, who I really wanted to see.

After the meeting I get a call from Mori who wants me to come check out a band he's managing. They're playing at a place called the Troubador Saloon on 6th Street. It's more or less where I'm heading anyways, so I go check out another band I've never heard of.

Fri. 6:00pm: I make it just in time to see Mink take the stage. They can certainly play, but they win me over with a kick-ass cover of Suffragette City. That, and their really good, really cute, and really funny chick drummer. Mori tells me the infamous (at least in this blog) Tom Morello and Flea are trying to get her to play drums in a potential side project. Whoa.
Mink at Troubador Saloon

After Mink I head to 508 to relax and hopefully grab some food. Well, the relaxing is there, but the food doesn't arrive until at least 8:30 and I'm starving. After stuffing ourselves silly, we head across the street to Stubb's, for what will end up being the longest stretch of time I spent at any place besides 508 all SXSW. However, it takes us nearly thirty minutes to get in (even with badges!) because the venue is at capacity.

Fri. 10:25pm: Of course it is, because one of the hottest bands at SXSW, MGMT, is playing. We make it inside 25 minutes in to their set, so we only get to hear a few songs, but what we hear is really good. At first I didn't care for MGMT, but they've really grown on me, and they will on you too. I mean it. Check them out.

Fri. 11:00pm: The Cribs take the stage. Who is this band? Beats me. How are they? Eh.

Fri. Midnight: Sia takes the stage complete with neon animals and people/aliens? She plays a great set, and I'm really glad I got the chance to see her. However, it isn't until her last song that I put two and two together. She plays a hauntingly beautiful song that I didn't know was by her. If anyone is a fan of Six Feet Under and you've seen the final scene of the series, you know this song. Absolutely amazing.

Fri. 1:30am: It's finally time for the band we came to see in the first place! And they're only 30 minutes late! It's time for N*E*R*D! Their set is a pretty good mix between their first album (awesome!) and their latest (not familiar with!). They truly know how to bring the rock with their hip-hop. I heard they played until 2:15, but i was d*o*n*e at 2.

There's still one more day to get through!

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