Saturday, March 22, 2008

SXSW - Thu. 03/13/08 - 2nd Day

Finally, we get to the second day of SXSW. This is about the amount of sleep I wish I'd had before actually getting to day two. We still had to work at least part of Thursday, so I rolled in to the office around 11, and around 2 I was heading out to go home and take a nap. Well, that plan didn't work out, as I got a call from one of my friends to go see Ingrid Michaelson but by the time we found where she was playing, she had already played. No big deal, as now I could actually go home and take a nap. On my way back to my car though, I ran in to a guy named Mori. Mori was my first boss ever at my first internship for a company called takeoutMARKETING.

I finally make it home, and after a lovely two hour nap I head back up to Stubb's...

Thu. 7:30pm: I meet up with a few friends who are already in line to get in to Stubb's for the Body of War showcase. Basically, a handful of artists will all play 2 or 3 songs from the soundtrack and/or their own protest songs (I think?). Unfortunately I didn't get to stay for the whole thing because I had to leave for an impromptu dinner. What I did see what good, but I wasn't blown away. For the record, I saw: RX Bandits, Serj Tankian, Billy Bragg, and Ben Harper.

Thu. 11:00pm: I head over to the Cedar Door for a band that I've always wanted to see. Not because they are a great band, but because I have succumbed to some 90s nostalgia. The band in none other than Wheatus! Singers of the great 90s anthem "Teenage Dirtbag!" Of course they place this song last, and it is as good as I hoped it would be.

I thought the guy in the middle was the singer. It wasn't. It was the guy on the left (not pictured). Oops.

Thu. Midnight: Trying to get in to the C3/Playboy Party. I have my wristband already, so it shouldn't be hard to get in and not wait in the estimated two hour wait of a line. But hey, maybe I will have problems, as I spot "famous" blogger Perez Hilton also having trouble getting in. However, after a little while I spot a friend, and I have no trouble getting in.

The party is very hot, and very crowded, and I miss seeing MGMT because I'm waiting in line to play Rock Band, and these two Playboy Bunnies cut in line for a photo op, and then proceed to play Rock Band terribly.

Thu. 2am: Moby takes the stage for a DJ set, and is amazing! There are enough lights on stage for a freaking stadium show it seems like, and at the end of his set a few of my friends make it up on stage.


I shot that! That's my video! Woot!

After Moby was done, my plan was to stick around to see Justice, who everyone seems to be talking about. But I'm too tired. It's almost 4 and I need to go home and get some sleep! I'm actually going to try and see bands during the day tomorrow...

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