Tuesday, March 18, 2008

SXSW - Wed. 03/12/08 - 1st Day

Ahh. The first day of South by Southwest. Four days filled with music from over 1500 bands around the world, and it's in my backyard. I've always wanted to go to SXSW, but never had the chance to before. For those who don't know about SXSW, there are two ways to get in to the official showcases:

1) Badges - These are pretty pricey, but you have priority getting in to venues. But having a badge doesn't guarantee entry. Lots of people have badges.

2) Wristbands - These are only around $100 or so. However, if you have a wristband and there is a hot band you want to see, you better get in line early. Wristband holders have to wait in a separate line, and can only get in after all badge holders are in.

Lucky for me I had a badge! But what I didn't know what how early I still have to get to shows. I learned this the hard way.

Wed. 11:00pm: The first band I see at SXSW is a band called Earl Greyhound, a band I've never heard of before, at a place called Vice. However, I ran in to an old friend and told me I had to go check them out with him. One thing I learned is that some of the best bands you see are the ones you never meant to check out in the first place. This was the perfect way to kick off my first ever SXSW!

Wed. Midnight: First celebrity sighting of the week. Saw Tom Morello of Rage Against the Machine just walking down the street.

Wed. 12:30am: My first badge casualty of the week. Since I didn't get in line early to see R.E.M. at Stubb's there is no way I'm making it in the show as the badge line seems to go on for miles. Luckily I've got a wristband for 508 across the street. They've got Stubb's shows on the tv all week long, and I watch some of R.E.M. from there.

The best view of R.E.M. I could get

Wed. 1:00am: My second badge casualty of the week. Since I couldn't get in to Stubb's, a few other people and I try to go over to Emo's to see The Black Keys. Once again, the badge line is ridiculous, and we decide to just head back to 508 and get a few drinks.

Wed. 1:15am: Pretty good idea headed back to 508! Who am I standing next to for at least twenty minutes? None other than Tom Morello again! Also spotted in attendance: Moby; Britt Daniel of Spoon. The rest of the night is spent here, talking to people, drinking vodka & vitamin water, and staying out entirely too late for a Wednesday!

Stay tuned for SXSW Day 2...

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